Review: Morso – Lo Zen E L’Arte Del Rigetto (Dischi Bervisti, Jan 18)

The first time I listened to Lo Zen E L’Arte Del Rigetto, my only consistent thought throughout the eleven songs was what the fuck—in a good way. A very good way. Apart from the insane and overwhelming cover, I didn’t really know what to expect, but it turns out that insane and overwhelming are fitting descriptors for the record as well. As far as I can tell, it’s the debut release by Italian quartet Morso, who combine breakneck thrash gallops and angular breakdowns with eclectic interjections of sensual pop rock. The entire thing is a constant whiplash of on-a-dime changes in mood, tempo, and style, bolstered along by the powerful, versatile vocals of member Guido. His delivery ranges from ragged, barely discernible shouts to masterfully tonal pop croons, and you don’t need to understand Italian to absorb the passion that’s been stuffed into this music. With such a profuse album as this, I’m not surprised that I found myself latching onto this single element on my first time through; but upon (many) further listens it’s clear that each member of the band fills a very specific role in the carefully composed maelstrom. Matteo’s snare fills and crushing down beat pounds on “CMC,” the dizzingly technical interlocking bass and guitar work on “Non Si Muore Ogni Dicembre,” and—oh my GOD—the flawless bonding of two completely disparate styles on “Il Fine Giustifica I Mezzi”… yeah. This is good stuff.

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